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4.6.7. PCI device passthrough

The PCI device passthrough capability allows a physical PCI device from the host machine to be assigned directly to a guest machine.The guest OS drivers can use the device hardware directly without relying on any driver capabilities from the host OS.
Some caveats apply when using PCI device passthrough. When a PCI device is directly assigned to a guest, migration will not be possible, without first hot-unplugging the device from the guest. In addition libvirt does not guarantee that direct device assignment is secure, leaving security policy decisions to the underlying virtualization technology. Secure PCI device passthrough typically requires special hardware capabilities, such the VT-d feature for Intel chipset, or IOMMU for AMD chipsets.
There are two modes in which a PCI device can be attached, "managed" or "unmanaged" mode, although at time of writing only KVM supports "managed" mode attachment. In managed mode, the configured device will be automatically detached from the host OS drivers when the guest is started, and then re-attached when the guest shuts down. In unmanaged mode, the device must be explicit detached ahead of booting the guest. The guest will refuse to start if the device is still attached to the host OS. The libvirt 'Node Device' APIs provide a means to detach/reattach PCI devices from/to host drivers. Alternatively the host OS may be configured to blacklist the PCI devices used for guest, so that they never get attached to host OS drivers.
In both modes, the virtualization technology will always perform a reset on the device before starting a guest, and after the guest shuts down. This is critical to ensure isolation between host and guest OS. There are a variety of ways in which a PCI device can be reset. Some reset techniques are limited in scope to a single device/function, while others may affect multiple devices at once. In the latter case, it will be necessary to co-assign all affect devices to the same guest, otherwise a reset will be impossible to do safely. The node device APIs can be used to determine whether a device needs to be co-assigned, by manually detaching the device and then attempting to perform the reset operation. If this succeeds, then it will be possible to assign the device to a guest on its own. If it fails, then it will be necessary to co-assign the device will others on the same PCI bus. The section documenting node device APIs covers this topic in detail, but as a quick demonstration the following code checks whether a PCI device (represented by a virNodeDevicePtr object instance) can be reset and is thus assignable to a guest
virNodeDevicePtr dev = ....get virNodeDevicePtr for the PCI device...

if (virNodeDeviceDettach(dev) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Device cannot be dettached from the host OS drivers\n");

if (virNodeDeviceReset(dev) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Device cannot be safely reset without affecting other devices\n");

fprintf(stderr, "Device is suitable for passthrough to a guest\n");
A PCI device is attached to a guest using the 'hostdevice' element. The 'mode' attribute should always be set to 'subsystem', and the 'type' attribute to 'pci'. The 'managed' attribute can be either 'yes' or 'no' as required by the application. Within the 'hostdevice' element there is a 'source' element and within that a further 'address' element is used to specify the PCI device to be attached. The address element expects attributes for 'domain', 'bus', 'slot' and 'function'. This is easiest to see with a short example
<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
    <address domain='0x0000'